Earlier it was reported that, Jiiva has recently wrapped up the shooting of his upcoming film Thirunaal. Now, the latest news is that the film is to be released on 14th of January for Pongal. It is also noted that Thirunaal goes in the way of movie Nanban which was also released on Thamizhar Thirunaal in 2012.
Thirunaal’ brings together Jiiva and Nayanthara after the superhit ‘E’ with Karunaas, Meenakshi and Joe Malluri in the supporting cast. Srikanth Deva scores the music while Mahesh Muthuswamy handles the camera and the film is produced by Kothandapani Films.
Thirunaal’ brings together Jiiva and Nayanthara after the superhit ‘E’ with Karunaas, Meenakshi and Joe Malluri in the supporting cast. Srikanth Deva scores the music while Mahesh Muthuswamy handles the camera and the film is produced by Kothandapani Films.
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